Consent Form
Download the Consent Form.
Complete the form, sign it and have a parent sign it
Each member of a partnership must complete a separate consent form.
Bring your consent form to the registration desk on the day of the fair. It will be collected there.
Ethics Forms
Does your project involve the use of vertebrate animals or human subjects? If the answer is NO, you don’t need to do anything else. If the answer is YES, you need to complete the appropriate Ethics Form.
Complete your personal information on the form. Get the required signatures. A parent or a teacher could be your supervisor.
You do not need to provide the information about the Chief Judge, the Ethics Chair or the Regional Chair. This information and a signature will be provided once you submit the form.
Have your ethics form(s) with you at your project. You may be asked for them.
Invertebrate Animals (excluding cephalopods):
Non-Human Vertebrate Animals:
ALL Human Experimentation
Informed consent letter of information
Informed consent Permission Form for EACH participant
Human Experimentation Low Risk
Informed consent letter of information
Informed consent Permission Form for EACH participant
Human Experimentation Significant Risk
Informed consent letter of information
Informed consent Permission Form for EACH participant
Form 4.1 B Participation of Humans Significant Risk Approval