Roles and Responsibilities
Begin your Science Fair project well in advance of deadlines - each step of the process will probably take more time than expected.
Make sure your project is conducted safely and according to the TSF Safety guidelines. Please review the rules and regulations; specifically, note that students may not bring animals, food, bacteria or plants to the Science Fair and they must have permission and ethics forms for projects involving human participation and ethics forms for animal experimentation.
Conduct research and gather your materials before you are ready to set up your experiment.
Perform your experiment. If time permits, repeat your experiment to verify your results.
Keep a log book of your research investigations and experiments.
prepare your science fair display board
Get the project registration form link from your contact teacher before the deadline.
Make sure to register your project before the deadline. if you need help, ask your contact teacher/parent/guardian. Completing your project registration form takes time.
Check the TSF website regularly for updated information. Note important information about the fair schedule, set up details, etc.
Download the Consent to Participate form from the TSF website, ensure that a parent signs it and that you bring it to the registration desk on the day of the fair.
If required, download and complete ethics forms and bring them to the registration desk on the day of the fair.
Support your student's progress by:
Encouraging your student to begin the Science Fair process well in advance of deadlines - each step of the process will probably take more time than expected.
Ensuring the project is conducted safely and according to the TSF Safety guidelines. Please review the rules and regulations; specifically, note that students may not bring animals, food, bacteria or plants to the Science Fair and they must have permission and ethics forms for projects involving human participation and ethics forms for animal experimentation.
Helping to gather materials.
Giving advice and providing moral support.
Acting as a contact at your school to provide information and updates to the students from TSF.
Providing students with the project registration link in a timely fashion.
Making sure students have registered their project correctly, before the deadline.
Double checking that students and parents have all the information they need about the Fair schedule and location.
Support your child's progress by:
Encouraging your child to begin the Science Fair process well in advance of deadlines - each step of the process will probably take more time than expected.
ensuring the project is conducted safely and according to the TSF Safety guidelines. Please review the rules and regulations; specifically, note that students may not bring animals, bacteria, food or plants to the Science Fair and they must have permission and ethics forms for projects involving human participation and ethics forms for animal experimentation.
helping to gather materials
giving advice and providing moral support
Ensuring that your child has received a project registration form link from his/her teacher prior to the registration deadline.
Ensuring that your child has registered their project before the deadline.
Downloading and signing the mandatory consent form. Your child will bring this signed form to the registration desk on the morning of the fair.
Ensuring that your child has transportation to and from the fair.