Science Showcase
The Science Showcase at the Toronto Science Fair was introduced at TSF 2022 as an opportunity for teachers of Kindergarten to Grade 6 students to organize a class science project or small group science project during the winter term and have students make a one-minute video to record what they investigated and what they discovered. The videos were posted on the Toronto Science Fair website during the Toronto Science Fair and throughout the month of April. This was a showcase of science at the Kindergarten/Primary/Junior level and not a competition. Each participating class/student was awarded a Certificate.
This year the Science Showcase will include one-minute videos from students in Kindergarten to Grade 4. Teachers of Kindergarten to Grade 4 students are invited to organize a class science project or small group science project and have students make a one-minute video to record what they investigated and what they discovered. The videos will be posted on the TSF website during the month of April 2024. Each class may submit a maximum of two videos per class, with a maximum of 10 videos per school. Interested teachers will register their classes between January 8 and February 23, 2024 and upload their videos by February 23, 2024.