
While student investigations of biological processes are encouraged, they are subject to the same laws, ethics, and regulations as any other research. In the Criminal Code of Canada and the Animals for Research Act of Ontario, all vertebrates are afforded protection. Also, schools and science fairs are explicitly included in the definition of 'research facility' in Ontario. The regulations described here, based on CWSF rules, are written in view of these laws.

Biological experimentation is subject to legal restrictions including, among others:

Depending on the nature of the study, various forms will need to be completed and displayed at your project. Failure to comply with safety and ethical requirements may result in disqualification of the project.

Complete details and forms are found on the ethics page of the Youth Science Canada website. Safety and Ethics

Students may use invertebrate animals as defined here:

Students may use vertebrate animals as defined here:

All human experimentation (Low Risk AND Significant Risk) requires participants to give their informed consent. This involves preparing the following:

These forms must be displayed at your project.

All Projects involving Humans require a Scientific Supervisor and Adult Supervisor. (May be a parent or teacher.)


The links below will direct you to the appropriate pages at Youth Science Canada website.  You will find a description of each type of research and, at the bottom of the webpage, the forms you may require.

If you have any questions, please email us at: