
[Friday, April 3, 2020]

Grade 7 - 12 Exhibitors

During the Day

  • Set up of tables, furniture, etc.

6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

  • Grade 7-12 exhibitors arrive to check in and set up their projects through the evening. There will be no time for set up on Saturday morning!

  • Grade 7-12 Exhibitors pick up their T-Shirt and sign up for a Saturday science activity in either Centennial College or UTSC science labs.

8:00 PM - 7:30 AM

  • The Exhibit Hall will be locked overnight.

NOTE that Grade K-6 projects and Grade 7-12 projects will each be split into two groups, designated Group A and Group B. Parts of the schedule differ between these two groups.

Please read the schedules below carefully to ensure you know the activities for your own Group.

[Saturday, April 4, 2020]

Schedule for Grade K - 6 Exhibitors

During the Day

  • Set up of tables, furniture, etc.

12:30 - 1:00 PM

  • K - 6 students arrive, register and set up projects

1:05 - 2:05 PM

Group A:

  • Exhibitors present their projects to each other

Group B:

  • Scientist in Schools program

2:05 - 3:05 PM

Group A:

  • Scientist in Schools program

Group B:

  • Exhibitors present their projects to each other

3:05 PM

  • K-6 Exhibitors may dismantle their projects and remove them from the Exhibit Area

Schedule for Grade 7 - 12 Exhibitors and Judges

8:30 AM - 9:00 AM

  • Judges arrive and check in at a registration desk outside the Exhibit Hall in Highland Hall.

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

  • Judges are briefed in the Exhibit Hall.

8:45 AM - 9:00 AM

  • Grade 7-12 exhibitors arrive. Grade 7 and 8 students take a seat in room AA-112. Grade 9-12 students take a seat in Room HL-001.

9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

  • Judges' walkthrough in Exhibit Area- No exhibitors present at the projects.

10:00 AM - 2:15 PM

  • Judging and Activities for Groups A and B.

  • See Group A and Group B schedules for this period below.

2:15 PM - 2:30 PM

  • Walk to Morningside Commons, Centennial College for Guest Speaker

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

  • Guest Speaker: Faizan Rehmatullah, MDA Coporation

  • Topic: Back to the Moon: Advances in Robotics for Lunar Exploration.

3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

  • Fair is open to the public.

5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

  • Awards Ceremony

6:30 PM

  • Fair Closes. All projects are dismantled and removed from Exhibit Area.

  • Note: Canada Wide Award Winners will be asked to stay for a short meeting immediately after the Awards Ceremony.

Schedule for Group A Grade 9 - 12 Exhibitors

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

  • High School projects are judged.

  • Exhibitors remain at their projects for the full two-hour period, to be judged by three Judges.

12:00 - 12:45 PM

  • Group A Lunch Break - You may buy lunch in the Marketplace Cafeteria or bring your own lunch and eat it in the Cafeteria.

12:45 PM

  • Go to in Room AA-112 to meet your escorts for the walk to the Science Activities.

12:45 PM - 1:15 PM

  • Organization into groups and walk to science activities.

1:15 PM - 2:15 PM

  • Science Activities in Centennial College and UTSC labs.

2:15 PM - 2:30 PM

  • Walk to Morningside Commons, Centennial College for Guest Speaker

Schedule for Group B Grade 7 - 8 Exhibitors

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

  • Science Activities in Centennial College and UTSC labs.

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

  • Group B Lunch Break - You may buy lunch in the Marketplace Cafeteria or bring your own lunch and eat it in the Cafeteria.

12:00 PM

  • Exhibitors go to their projects in the Exhibit Hall.

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

  • Grade 7 and 8 projects are judged.

  • Exhibitors remain at their projects for the full two-hour period, to be judged by three Judges.

2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

  • Break and walk to Morningside Commons, Centennial College for Guest Speaker.

Science Activities for Grade 7-12 Exhibitors - Saturday, April 4, 2020

  1. When Grade 7-12 exhibitors register on Friday, April 5th, they will be asked to sign up for one of the following activities. Exhibitors should go to the Science Activities table once they have picked up their registration package.

  2. Exhibitors should read these descriptions beforehand and decide which one they would prefer. It is a good idea to have a second choice in mind in case the first choice is full.

  3. In each case, there is a short walk involved to get to the science activity. Three activities will take place in the UTSC Chemistry/Environmental Building (EV) just across Ellesmere on the North Campus, one will be on the South Campus in a Physics Lab in the SW wing, one will be in the BV building and four take place at Centennial College, Morningside Campus which is just a little further along a pathway behind the Chemistry building. Please note the approximate travel times included with each activity. There is an updated map but all groups will be escorted by university and college volunteers both to and from the science activities. Please dress for the weather.

Science Activity One - Let's Talk Science

Lobby-Chemistry/Environmental Science Building (EV)

(Maximum 30 Students)

Explore the magic of science with hands-on activities such as squishy circuits, DNA extraction, chlorophyll extraction, circuits, alka-seltzer rockets, slime, elephant toothpaste, super stable structures and density columns. Presenters: Shadi Dalili and "Let's Talk Science" Volunteers

Travel Time: Less than 10 minutes

Science Activity Two - Exploring Chemistry

Chemistry/Environmental Science Building - Room EV-114

(Maximum 20 students)

Working in a new chemistry lab, students will be studying the chemistry of milk by separating casein from milk and also performing the rainbow milk experiment. They will then analyze casein using InfraRed (IR) techniques. Presenters: Dr. Lana Mikhaylichenko, and members of the Chemistry Society University of Toronto Scarborough.

Travel Time: Less than 10 minutes

Science Activity Three - Tree Coring and Weather History

Chemistry Environmental Science Building - Room EV-222

(Maximum 21 students)

Take a short walk to the woods and learn about tree health and dendrochronology (or tree-ring dating). You'll work in small groups to collect a core from a pine tree using a special tool. Discover what tree cores tell us about past weather and climate trends. Presenters: Tom Meulendyk and Chai Chen

Travel Time: Less than 10 minutes

Science Activity Four - The Physics of Music

Science Building - Room SW-505F

(Maximum 24 students)

Students will first review some basics on waves. Then they will do an experiment that explores why a trumpet sounds different than a violin. Time permitting, students will then look at how musicians use beat frequencies and tuning. Presenter: Kevin Hurley

Travel Time: Less than 6 minutes

Science Activity Five - Oil Extraction from an Orange

Centennial College - Morningside Campus - Room 436

(Maximum 22 students)

Did you know you can extract oil from an orange peel? Use chemistry to make it happen in this special workshop. Presenter: Dr. Andrew Baer

Travel Time: Less than 15 minutes

Science Activity Six - Build your City with Architectural Technology

Centennial College - Morningside Campus - Room 332

(Maximum 35 students)

Do you like to draw? Do you like to build? In Architecture, you can do both. Attend this session to find out more about architecture and construction, and how it combines the arts and engineering. Look at samples of student projects, career pathways, plus demonstrations and hands-on exercises using 2D and 3D drawing software. Presenter: Prof. Francis Lapointe and John Romanov.

Travel Time: Less than 15 minutes

Science Activity Seven - Cells and DNA: See what you're made of

Centennial College - Morningside Campus - Room 452

(Maximum 22 students)

Have a look at the things that make you what you are, by isolating your own cheek cells and putting them under a microscope. Then, go even further and see your own DNA. Presenter, Dr. Samiha Mohammad Sharif

Travel Time: Less than 10 minutes

Science Activity Eight - Microbial Fuel Cells: Generating Electricity Using the Power of Mud

Centennial College - Morningside Campus - Room 454

(Maximum 22 students)

Did you know that you could generate electricity from the soil from your backyard? Many different microbes naturally living in the soil beneath your feet are capable of generating electricity. Attend this session for a hands-on experience with microbial fuel cells. Presenter, Dr. Nalina Nadarajah

Travel Time: Less than 15 minutes

Science Activity Nine - CSI: Fact vs Fiction

Room BV 361

(Maximum 30 students)

Learn about the practical application of science in police work. Talk to a Toronto Police forensic investigator about the realities of crime scene examinations and the different scientific disciplines used. Presenter: Detective Al D'Silva, Toronto Police Service (FIS)

Travel Time: Less than 2 minutes