2022 Science Showcase K-6 Videos
The Toronto Science Fair invited teachers of Kindergarten to Grade 6 to organize class science projects or small group science projects during the winter term. They were then invited to have students make a one-minute video to record what they investigated and what they discovered. Many teachers and students took up this challenge and submitted their videos to the Toronto Science Fair Science Showcase. Follow the links below to view their discoveries.
This is a showcase of science at the Kindergarten, Primary and Junior level not a competition. TSF hopes that this experience will encourage our younger students to continue to investigate scientific questions.
Kindergarten to Grade 2
Kindergarten to Grade 2
BVG-Tall Structures-GR1.mp4
Building a Strong Structure!
Building a Strong Structure!
Bayview Glen Independent School
How can a strong structure be built using newspaper and other craft materials?
BVG-Dream Playground 1-Gr2.mp4
Dream Playground
Dream Playground
Group A
Bayview Glen Independent SchoolStudents constructed a playground prototype using a variety of playground equipment, structures and items that incorporate simple machines. The goal of the project is to create a Dream Playground that redefines the purpose and enjoyment level of our everyday playgrounds.
BVG-Dream Playground 2-Gr2.mp4
Dream Playground
Dream Playground
Group B
Bayview Glen Independent SchoolStudents constructed a playground prototype using a variety of playground equipment, structures and items that incorporate simple machines. The goal of the project is to create a Dream Playground that redefines the purpose and enjoyment level of our everyday playgrounds.
BVG-Dream Playground 3-Gr2.mp4
Dream Playground
Dream Playground
Group C
Bayview Glen Independent SchoolStudents constructed a playground prototype using a variety of playground equipment, structures and items that incorporate simple machines. The goal of the project is to create a Dream Playground that redefines the purpose and enjoyment level of our everyday playgrounds.
BVG-Dream Playground 4-Gr2.mp4
Dream Playground
Dream Playground
Group D
Bayview Glen Independent SchoolStudents constructed a playground prototype using a variety of playground equipment, structures and items that incorporate simple machines. The goal of the project is to create a Dream Playground that redefines the purpose and enjoyment level of our everyday playgrounds.
BVG-Dream Playground 5-Gr2.mp4
Dream Playground
Dream Playground
Group E
Bayview Glen Independent SchoolStudents constructed a playground prototype using a variety of playground equipment, structures and items that incorporate simple machines. The goal of the project is to create a Dream Playground that redefines the purpose and enjoyment level of our everyday playgrounds.
BVG-Dream Playground 6-Gr2.mp4
Dream Playground
Dream Playground
Group F
Bayview Glen Independent SchoolStudents constructed a playground prototype using a variety of playground equipment, structures and items that incorporate simple machines. The goal of the project is to create a Dream Playground that redefines the purpose and enjoyment level of our everyday playgrounds.
BVG-Dream Playground 7-Gr2.mp4
Dream Playground
Dream Playground
Group G
Bayview Glen Independent SchoolStudents constructed a playground prototype using a variety of playground equipment, structures and items that incorporate simple machines. The goal of the project is to create a Dream Playground that redefines the purpose and enjoyment level of our everyday playgrounds.
BVG-Floating Boats-Gr1.mp4
Foating Boats!
Foating Boats!
Bayview Glen Independent School
What's the best way to build a boat that floats?
Rocks - Sink or Float?
Bayview Glen Independent SchoolRocks - Sink or Float?
Students in Senior Kindergarten will test rocks to see if they sink or float. They will try to explain the results of the experiment by considering the properties of rocks. Also, they will extend their learning and inquire as to the application of the results.
HJ-How air takes up space-k-2.mp4
How Air Takes Up Space
How Air Takes Up Space
Highfield Junior School
I can not see the air. Can it really take up space? I did a experiment to understand how air takes up space.
No Ice Is Nice-k-2.mp4
No Ice is Nice
No Ice is Nice
In the winter, some schoolyards can get very icy. We looked at different ways to help ice melt so kids can play more safely on winter days.
CHPS-Seeds and Sprouts-k-2.mp4
Seeds and Sprouts
Seeds and Sprouts
Churchill Heights Public School
Did you know seeds are living things? Check this out.
BBJPS-Skittles Rainbow-k-2.mov
Skittles Rainbow
Skittles Rainbow
Brimwood Boulevard Junior PS
Skittles are coated in food colouring and sugar. When you pour water over the skittles the coloured coating dissolves spreading through the water. The colour and sugar dissolve into the water and then diffuse through the water, making it the colour of the skittle.
BVG-Strong Structures gr1.mp4
Strong Structures
Strong Structures
Bayview Glen Independent School
The Grade 1 students determine if they can stand on a paper cup!
TDS -The big bad building experiment-k-gr2.mov
The Big Bad Building Experiment
The Big Bad Building Experiment
The Dalton School
Our class experimented with building various structures using toothpicks and candy to see which structure held up the best against being blown down by the big bad wolf (hair dryer).
Grades 3 - 4
Grades 3 - 4
BVG-Aluminum Foil Boat Experiment-Gr. 4.mp4
Aluminum Foil Boat Experiment
Aluminum Foil Boat Experiment
Bayview Glen Independent School
Design and construct boats out of aluminum foil and see how many pennies they can hold before they sink.
BVG-Grade 3 Worm Wranglers-gr3.mp4
Grade 3 Worm Wranglers!
Grade 3 Worm Wranglers!
Bayview Glen Independent School
A grade 3 class is building and monitoring a vermicompost system! We will be learning what our red wigglers need to eat, what kind of environment they like the most, and how they decompose material to create rich and healthy soil.
Growing Mould!
Growing Mould!
We wanted to know how mould grows best. We wondered about this because some bread at home went mouldy before the best-before date. It was in a cupboard.My family talked about why that happened. Would keeping bread in the fridge stop mould from growing?We think mould will grow more slowly in the fridge.For this experiment we got six slices of whole wheat bread and put each one in a freezer bag. Two pieces were dry, two were moist and two were wet. One piece of each type was put in the fridge and one piece of each type put stored in a cupboard. We will check on the bread every day in the morning for two weeks. We are writing down what happens each day. Our hypothesis is that the moist bread in the cupboard will grow the most mould.
BBJPS-Lemon Volcano-gr3-4.MOV
Lemon Volcano
Lemon Volcano
Brimwood Boulevard Junior PS
When you mix the baking soda with the lemon juice they react and form a gas called carbon dioxide which then produces the fizzing eruption you can see. This chemical reaction occurs because of an acid {the lemon juice} mixing with a base {baking soda}.
BVG-Weathering and creating new sedimentary rock-Gr4.mp4
Weathering and Creating New Sedimentary Rock
Weathering and Creating New Sedimentary Rock
Bayview Glen Independent School
Grades 5 - 6
Grades 5 - 6
BVG-Elephant Toothpaste-gr5.mov
Elephant Toothpaste
Elephant Toothpaste
Group 1
Bayview Glen Independent SchoolWe investigated chemical change and the states of matter when we combined different substances and liquids and observed the results.
BVG-Elephant Toothpaste 2-GR5.mp4
Elephant Toothpaste
Elephant Toothpaste
Group 2
Bayview Glen Independent SchoolWe investigated chemical change and the states of matter when we combined different substances and liquids and observed the results.
BVG-The Scientific Relation of the Moon to the Earth -gr5.mp4
Getting to Know the Moon
Getting to Know the Moon
Bayview Glen Independent School
Two online students present their guide to the moon- talking about phases of moon and gravitational pull.
BVG-How to build a hurricane-reistant structure-Gr5.mp4
How to Build a Hurricane-Resistant Structure
How to Build a Hurricane-Resistant Structure
Bayview Glen Independent School
During our study of Forces on Structures, one student investigated how to protect a home from a natural hazard and its forces.
BVG-The Scientific Relation of the Moon to the Earth -gr5.mp4
Lava Lamp
Lava Lamp
Bayview Glen Independent School
We investigated the states of matter and their properties when we combined different liquids and substances and observed how they interacted
Milk Coffee Frother-gr5-6.mov
Milk/Coffee Frother
Milk/Coffee Frother
A milk or coffee frother is utensil for making milk or coffee froth. It aerated the milk, creating a thick and heavy foam.
BVG-Oobleck Exploration-Gr5.mov
Oobleck Exploration
Oobleck Exploration
Bayview Glen Independent School
We investigated the unique properties on this non-Newtonian fluid. Looking specifically at whether it is a solid or a liquid!
Churchill Heights Public School
Why does pollen make people sneeze.
HJ-Power of Elasticity-gr5-6.mp4
Power Of Elasticity
Power Of Elasticity
Highfield Junior School
Elasticity is a great energy. My project is to understand and find out applications and usage of elasticity.
BVG-The Wonders of Slime-Gr5.mp4
The Wonders of Slime
The Wonders of Slime
Bayview Glen Independent School
As part of their study of matter, students investigated the properties of slime, a non-Newtonian fluid, to observe how it behaves like both a solid and a liquid.
Bayview Glen Independent School
We investigated the states of matter and chemical change when we combined different substances and observed the results of their interaction.
BVG-Will it Stand Up-Gr5.mp4
Will it Stand Up?
Will it Stand Up?
Bayview Glen Independent School
To apply their understanding of concepts learned in their Forces Acting on Structures, Grade 5 students designed, built, tested and re-designed a structure that could within stand a natural disaster of their choice. Some buildings survived, some did not!