2023 Science Showcase K-4 Videos

The Toronto Science Fair invited teachers of Kindergarten to Grade 4 to organize class science projects or small group science projects during the winter term.  They were then invited to have students make a one-minute video to record what they investigated and what they discovered.  Many teachers and students took up this challenge and submitted their videos to the Toronto Science Fair Science Showcase.   Follow the links below to view their discoveries.

This is a showcase of science at the Kindergarten, Primary and Junior level not a competition.   TSF hopes that this experience will encourage our younger students to continue to investigate scientific questions.

Kindergarten to Grade 2

A Simple Circuit-Seerah Mission School-Grade 2.mp4

A simple Circuit

Seerah Mission School
Ibadullah has a model of a simple circuit with LED light and a small to show how the current flows with a battery through the wires and the use of a resistor to use the required current to pass through to turn on the light or make the fan rotate.
Couleur arc-en-ciel - La Citadelle Academy - Grade 1.mp4

Couleurs arc-en-ciel (Rainbow Colors)

La Citadelle International Academy of Arts and Science
Rainbow colorsWe used a popular game that is the spinning top to create new colors. It is very easy to use and you just have to spin it a little with your fingertips. We colored 4-part circles with 2 different colors, blue and green, green and red, red and blue, and other combinations too. We drilled our discs with pick skewer  and got spinners. When you spin the top very quickly, a new color appears! When we colored a spinning top with the colors of the rainbow we saw a surprising color: a kind of white!
Density of an Egg - Seerah Mission School - Grade 1.mp4

Density of an Egg

Seerah Mission School
Zareen demonstrates her knowledge about the heavy (dense) object and (light weight) to find why denser objects go to the bottom and lighter objects float.
Des liens d'attache - La Citadelle Academy - Grade 1.mp4

Des liens d'attaches (Ties of Attachment)

La Citadelle International Academy of Arts and Science
In our daily lives, we are surrounded by fasteners. On our clothes, jackets, shoes, there are different ones, buttons, zippers, laces... We used what we find in a work office such as paper clips, glue, tape, a stapler, glue, tape, a stapler, and binder clips. We compared the similarities and differences of these different fasteners. Some will be easy to remove, some will not. Some are solid, some are fragile. It all depends on how you want to use or reuse them!"
Flotte et Coule - La Citadelle Academy - JK.mp4

Flotte et Coule (Float and Sink)

La Citadelle International Academy of Arts and Science
Students experimented with the concept of sinking and floating. They learned the name in French. They used 5 objects to demonstrate what sinks and what floats (straw, rock, scissors, candle and Lego)
L’absorption de l’eau - La Citadelle Academy - Grade 2.mp4

L’absorption de l’eau (Water Absorption)

La Citadelle International Academy of Arts and Science
This experiment demonstrates how plants “drink” water and how the water travels through the plant. Using a celery and coloured water, students notice that the colored water moves from the stem to the leaves.
La densité de l’eau - La Citadelle Academy - Grade 2.mp4

La densité de l’eau (Water Density)

La Citadelle International Academy of Arts and Science
This experiment demonstrates the difference density between hot water and colde water. The hot water is less dense than the cold water. Therefore, the hot water floats and the cold water sank.
Model of a bridge - Seerah Mission School - Grade 1.mp4

Model of a Bridge

Seerah Mission School 
She explains how we can hear if we place one cup string tied tight to one end and another end to the second cup to hear the sound when we whisper, and it works well.
orange_floats_or_sinks Forest_manor_public_school JK.mov

Orange - Floats or Sinks

Forest Manor Public School
Do oranges float or sink in water? I did an experiment to see what happens when I place an unpeeled orange in a bowl of water. I was surprised to see it float. However, if the same orange is peeled before placing it in water, it sinks! I learnt that this is due to the fact that the orange peels are porous and are filled with tiny air pockets which make the unpeeled orange lighter than water and allows it to float on the water's surface. This is similar to an air-filled life jacket that helps people to float on water.
Rock Investigation Weathering Bayview Glen JK.mp4

Rock Investigation - Weathering

Bayview Glen Independent School
In Senior Kindergarten students wanted to know why rocks are different sizes? Based on our observations that rocks are outside, we decided to complete some experiments on how rocks can break down or change in size by weathering. We discovered that water and wind can have a real impact on rocks over time.
Solar System - Seerah Mission School - Grade 2.mp4

Solar System

Seerah Mission School
Aizah has a model of our Solar System and explains about all the plants, importance of sun, where do we live and how helpful is our solar system. The planets spin around the sun and its own axis.
Static Electricity- Seerah Mission School - Grade 1.mp4

Static Electricity

Seerah Mission School
Sakeenah demonstrates the static electricity by using a sponge, balloon, and pieces of paper to show how static electricity works.
String Telephone -Seerah Mission School - Grade 1.mp4

String Telephone

Seerah Mission School
Sammar explains how we can hear if we place one cup tied tight to one endand another end to the second cup to hear the sound when we whisper, and it works perfectly well like a telephone. 
Un Lancer De Boule De Neige- La Citadelle Academy - SK.mp4

Un lanceur de boule de neige (A Snowball Launcher)

La Citadelle International Academy of Arts and Science
The students designed and built a snowball launcher.  They have learned that by moving the stack of sticks inside their launcher it either throws the snowball closer or farther.  In addition, they have also learned that increasing the number of sticks in the stacks would make a difference on the distance that the snowball will go.

Grades 3 - 4


Building different vehicles using household materials

Vedic Roots Montessori Academy
In this project, the students explored construction of different types of vehicles using common household items. They built a car, hovercraft and airplane using cardboard, straws, popsicle sticks, aluminium foil and glue. They also built a rubber band launcher to power the 3 vehicles. After building the vehicles, the students tested them to see which one could go farthest. The car reached 10ft 1.5inches from the launcher, the hovercraft reached 9 feet 10 inches and the airplane landed at 22 ft 2.5 inches. Acknowledging the scientific limitations of this comparison, the students enjoyed the experience of independently brainstorming and executing the project.
_L’effet environnemental sur une vis métallique_ _La Citadelle Academy of Arts & Science_ _4_..mp4

L’effet environnemental sur une vis métallique

La Citadelle International Academy of Arts and Science
This project is about the rusting of metallic screws. The liquids we used were clear nail polish, vinegar, vegetable oil, water, water with salt. The results show that vinegar rusted the metal screws more than the other solutions. In the other hand the screws that were coated with oil or clear nail polish did not rust because the coating prevented the contact of the metal screws with water.
Le papier fort et fragile a la fois - La Citadelle Academy - Grade 3.mp4

Le papier fort et fragile à la fois ! (The Atrong and Fragile Paper)

La Citadelle International Academy of Arts and Science
Paper is used every day in the classroom. It can be easy to damage it, tear it, cut it... It has been noticed that in many constructions, especially ancient ones, the columns are circular. So, we wanted to try to understand why this shape and we tried two geometric shapes that we are used to seeing in math: the triangle and the square. The paper was given strength by folding it and binding its ends with tape. Books were placed until each column collapsed.  The books exerted a contact force on the columns and compressed them until the force was too great. The circular column is the most stable, and the triangular the least stable.
_Les plantes qui densent_ _La Citadelle Academy of Arts & Science_ _4_..mp4

Les Plantes qui Dansent

La Citadelle International Academy of Arts and Science
Our project is about plants growing with music. We put two sets of plants, one exposed to 13 hr. of music a day and the other one was not. After 14 days, we found out that plants exposed to music grew toward the source of music, whereas the other one grew straight up.
Qu'il pleuve des couleurs - La Citadelle Academy - Grade 3.mp4

Qu'il pleuve des couleurs ! (Let it rain colors!)

La Citadelle International Academy of Arts and Science
"Let it rain colors!
We are used to seeing miscible and immiscible liquids in our kitchen. Water and oil do not mix for example, but food coloring and water are miscible. We notice that the oil is always on top of the water, no matter how much we shake our jar. This is because oil is lighter than water. We wondered what would happen if we put oil between the food coloring and the water. So we poured the water first, then the oil and finally the food coloring. The food coloring remains on the oil for a few seconds, above the water.  Then the color goes through the oil layer and mixes with the water."
Stratification of cold and hot water Vedic Roots Montessori Grade3.mp4

Stratification of cold and hot water

Vedic Roots Montessori Academy
In this experiment, the students investigate water stratification using hot water (coloured red using food colouring), water at room temperature and cold water (in the form of blue ice cubes). The students took a clear container with water at room temperature and added blue coloured ice cubes at one end and hot water with red food colouring at the other end. Immediately the students noticed that hot water coloured red stayed on the top, while the blue colour  (cold water) settled at the bottom. The container had three visible layers - Top-Red (with Hot water); middle - clear (room temperature) and bottom - blue (for cold water). This creation of layers is called water stratification. Eventually when the temperatures have equalized then all the colours are mixed and we see the water turn purple (a mixture of red and blue).

Strong & Stable Structures

Precious Blood Catholic School

In class we have been learning about strong and stable structures.  I chose the The Leaning Tower of Pisa.  We looked at where the structure is located, the materials used in the structure, what makes the structure strong and stable, the purpose of the structure and why I chose it.  Here is my presentation.
_The Rock Cycle__Bayview Glen__Grade 4_.mp4

The Rock Cycle

Bayview Glen Independent School
Students inquired into how different types of rocks are formed using different materials in our classroom.
Volcanic Erruption - Seerah Mission School - Grade 4.mp4

Volcanic Eruption

Seerah Mission School
Marwa demonstrated the experiment of how the volcanic eruption takes place. A volcanic eruption occurs when hot materials from the Earth's interior are thrown out of a volcano, Lava, rocks, dust, and gas compounds are some of these "ejecta". Volcanoes represent geological structures forming on the Earth's surface in the zones where an emission of magma veriies, that is, a volcanic eruption.
Compost Harvesters Bayview Glen Grade Three.mp4

Worm Wranglers: Compost Harvesting 

Bayview Glen Independent School
Students learn to care for worm composting bins, specifically how to harvest and rebuild a bin's best conditions after removing compost. Students will compare worm castings/compost to conventional soils/composts.